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Welcome the New Employee with Heart, Set Sail with Dream | Aliplast New Employee Induction Training Successfully Concludes

Release Time:

Jan 15,2024

The development of a business It is inseparable from the injection of fresh blood

The development of a business

It is inseparable from the injection of fresh blood

With the continuous expansion of the scale, Elip is constantly expanding


The company welcomed a number of new employees

The addition of fresh blood

It will accumulate new momentum for the development of the enterprise

Onboarding meeting

In order to help new employees fully understand the company, get familiar with the environment as soon as possible, integrate into the team, and adapt to the work, recently, the human resources department of Ellipu held a new employee induction meeting in the training classroom on the first floor of the administrative office building, which was presided over by Xue Guangyao, manager of the human resources department.

From the perspective of caring for new employees, the company arranges various forms of "nutritious" induction training, including rules and regulations, professional knowledge, etc., which will help everyone to have a deeper understanding of Ailip, integrate into Ailip, further enhance confidence, embark on a new job as soon as possible, and open a new chapter in life.

Luo Xianyao, Secretary of the General Party Branch and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ailipu, welcomed the arrival of the new employees and placed great hopes on them.

Entry is a new starting point, to quickly integrate into the company, for how to achieve multiplication and catch-up cooperation development, how to accelerate the construction of a stronger enterprise, there must be a clear direction and goals.

It is hoped that every new employee will work hard for the development of the company, work hard and move forward with the company with a positive attitude, add luster to the company's various undertakings, and contribute youth and enthusiasm to the development of the company.

Take a tour of the digital sample room

According to the layout of the exhibition hall, Han Shuo, the secretary of the board of directors of the company, systematically and in detail explained to everyone, including company profile, development history, honorary qualifications, technical overview, enterprise development planning, etc.

The new employees are not only infected by the company's corporate culture, but also attracted by various product technologies and on-site objects. From time to time, they expressed their opinions, exchanged ideas with each other, and actively asked questions, and the atmosphere in the exhibition hall was very lively.

Visit the Party and Mass Activity Center

After the visit to the exhibition hall, with the footsteps of the docent, everyone came to the Eripu Party and Mass Activity Center. Through the visit, inherit the red gene, feel the red culture, absorb the spiritual strength, and fully encourage everyone to take responsibility, work hard, and devote themselves to work with higher work passion.

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